Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates
4 months ago
Want to know how much a Optical Systems Program Director make in Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates?
Get Salary insights for Optical Systems Program Director in Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates. Know how your salary compares to the industry average. Our AI analyzer uses other candidates' stated pay expectations to identify market trends.
Mohit Chemburkar
Launched in November 2019, our client is one of the world’s leading advanced technology groups, established to develop agile, bold and disruptive solutions for defence and beyond, and to be a catalyst for change and transformation. With a focus on the adoption of 4IR technologies, our client is driving the development of sovereign capabilities for global export and for the preservation of national security, working with front-line operators, international partners, and adopting advanced technologies such as autonomous capabilities, cyber-physical systems, advanced propulsion systems, robotics and smart materials.
They converge R&D, emerging technologies, digital transformation, and commercial market innovations with military capabilities to develop disruptive solutions tailored to the specific requirements of its customers.
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Mohit Chemburkar
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