Talent Management Specialist

Seoul South Korea

22 days ago

Years of Experience

8 - 10 years

Workplace Type


Seniority Type



Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing

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HRBPDesign LeadershipTalent ManagementEmployee EngagementHuman Resources

Contact our TA to know more about the job

Rashi Modi

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow


About our client

For more than 80 years, our client’s engineers and product specialists have partnered with customers to produce highly engineered connectivity and sensing solutions that make a connected world possible. Their focus on reliability, durability, and sustainability exemplifies their commitment to progress. The unmatched range of their product portfolio enables companies, large and small, to turn ideas into technology that can transform how the world works and lives tomorrow.

Job description


  • The Talent Management Specialist role focuses on talent management within the organization, primarily overseeing activities related to leadership development, promotion management, and identifying high-potential employees. 
  • This role will also include some responsibilities related to HR business partnering for indirect labour employees.


Lead talent management initiatives, including: 

  • Designing leadership courses and development programs.
  • Managing promotion processes and staff development.
  • Reviewing talent with the leadership team.
  • Engage in HRBP activities for indirect labour employees (approx. 20% of the role).
  • Drive employee engagement strategies and L&D initiatives.



  • Minimum of 8 years in talent management or a related field.
  • Experience in multinational companies is preferred.


  • Bachelor’s degree required.


  • Fluent in English with strong presentation and communication skills.
  • Proficient in PowerPoint and other MS software.

Diversity Focus: 

  • Preference for female candidates to promote diversity in leadership roles.

Team Structure:

  • The candidate will report directly to the Head of HR.
  • The team includes three HR business partners focused on plant HR and C&B tasks.

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Contact our TA to know more about the job

Rashi Modi

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow

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