Service Level Agreement

Last updated:

August 09, 2022

This Service Level Agreement (“Service Agreement”) outlines the description of the Services (defined as below) provided by White Crow Research Private Limited (“WhiteCrow”). WhiteCrow provides Services through the website ‘’ (“Website”) featuring the portals ‘’ (“Talent Platform”) and ‘’ (“Talent Marketplace”) (Talent Platform and Talent Marketplace are collectively referred to as “Portals”) to:

(i) the candidate accessing/signing-up on the portal ‘’ / Talent Platform, with the intent to seek job opportunities (“Individual Candidate”); and

(ii) the client and/or the designated employees of such client, subscribing to the portal ‘’ / Talent Marketplace with the intent to search for appropriate talents from across the internet to suit an employer’s job profile requirements (“Subscribing Client”).

(Hereinafter, the Individual Candidate and the Subscribing Client shall collectively be referred to as “You / Your”).

The Services (defined as below) are offered to: (i) the Subscribing Client subscribing to the Services provided by WhiteCrow upon payment of a subscription amount; and (ii) the Individual Candidate accessing/signing-up to the Services provided by WhiteCrow on no payment basis. The Website displays the Terms and Conditions applicable to You while availing the Services provided by WhiteCrow.

It is to be noted that, the Terms and Conditions along with the Data Privacy Policy [including addendum(s)], the Service Level Agreement and the Subscription Form (applicable to the Subscribing Client subscribing to the Talent Marketplace) shall collectively be referred to as the “Agreement”. The capitalized terms unless defined herein shall have the same meaning assigned to them under the Terms and Conditions and the Data Privacy Policy. The terms stated and outlined under the Terms and Conditions shall be in addition to the terms under this Service Agreement.

By using, accessing/signing-up or subscribing to the Services (defined as below) provided on the Website / Portals, You agree to be bound by the terms of the Agreement.

WhiteCrow / Website may, from time to time, make changes to this Service Agreement. If WhiteCrow / Website makes any material change in the Service Agreement, WhiteCrow through the Website shall notify You of those changes by posting them on the Website and shall indicate the date of the last revision. Please note that, after the posting of the changes to the Service Agreement on the Website, Your use of the Services (defined as below) will constitute Your acceptance of those changes.

WhiteCrow through its Website and the Portals, provides services pursuant to a “software-as-a-service” (i.e., “SaaS”) delivery model, primarily in the nature of a recruitment market place, under which You use the applicable software components (the “Software”) providing access to database through the Website in addition to providing SaaS services via internet: (i) on no payment basis by accessing/signing-up on the Talent Platform, in case of an Individual Candidate; or (ii) on a subscription service basis, by entering into and executing a subscription form subscribing to the Services displayed on the Talent Marketplace (“Subscription Form”), in case of the Subscribing Client. Accordingly, during the Term / Subscription Term / Renewal Term / Trial Subscription Term, as the case may be, and subject to the compliance to the provisions of this Agreement, WhiteCrow grants You a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited, time-bounded license (non-sub licensable) to access the database through the Website and use the SaaS services and/or Services (defined as below) via internet. The access to the database through the Website and the SaaS services, may only be used in support of Your professional/business operations.


    “The Portals’ AI engine” is a network of knowledge that stores data on jobs, skills, companies, industries, people, places and more. This enables WhiteCrow / Website to provide a platform, in the nature of the Portals, to identify the right talent / job opportunities and to maximize the scope of utilization of the Website. WhiteCrow may also provide a platform to the customers of WhiteCrow and/or ‘’ collectively known as “Customers”, to reach out to the Individual Candidate on the Talent Platform. WhiteCrow’s Services grant access to the database provided on the Portals through the Website which aids in tracking public profiles to identify and locate appropriate talent from across the internet. WhiteCrow’s sourcing involves pairing of proprietary technology with a human touch to engage and acquire talent from over 20 (twenty) channels. Website’s screening algorithms work on self-reported information, including publicly available information, to identify qualified and relevant talent across the internet. Such identified qualified talent (“Potential Candidate”), after being shortlisted by the Subscribing Client is then contacted and invited to sign-up as an Individual Candidate on the Talent Platform to explore the job opportunities proposed by the Subscribing Client. Upon the Potential Candidate signing-up on the Talent Platform as an Individual Candidate, the Subscribing Client can then connect with such Potential Candidate as stipulated in the Terms. In addition to the same, the Talent Platform also aids and assists the Individual Candidate using the said portal to display their portfolios to seek appropriate and desired job opportunities. You shall select Your desired criteria and a list of options shall be available to You. To further ease the process, the Individual Candidate shall be free to filter the job opportunities and the Subscribing Client shall be free to filter the potential talents, upon gaining access to the database and use of SaaS (“Service(s) / WhiteCrow’s Services”).


    1. For the Individual Candidate: The Individual Candidate accessing/signing-up to the Services on the Talent Platform will primarily access the Website. The Individual Candidate through the Services provided on the Talent Platform will apply to the jobs: (i) published on the Website, in which case the Customers will have access to the profiles of the Individual Candidate; or (ii) by virtue of accessing/signing-up to the Talent Platform. A talent advocate/consultant of WhiteCrow will approach, coordinate and cooperate with the Individual Candidate using the Services, to apply for the desired job opportunity through the Talent Platform (“Talent Advocate”). The Talent Advocate / Website will seek Individual Candidate’s permission before introducing such candidate either to a Customer or the Subscribing Client reaching out from the Talent Marketplace. In case a Subscribing Client approaches the Individual Candidate with an interview request through the Talent Advocate / Website, such request will appear on the dashboard of the Website and the Individual Candidate will have an option to accept or ignore/reject such request.
    2. For the Subscribing Client: The Subscribing Client subscribing to the Services on the Talent Marketplace will primarily access the Website.
      1. In case of Individual Candidate: At the initial stage, the Individual Candidate’s limited profile will be visible to the Subscribing Client and if the Subscribing Client is interested in a particular Individual Candidate’s profile, the Subscribing Client will approach the Talent Advocate / Website with a request for scheduling a job interview with such Individual Candidate. Upon the Individual Candidate’s acceptance of such request, the Subscribing Client will be able to view the complete profile of the Individual Candidate.
      2. In case of Potential Candidate: After identifying the Potential Candidate as a suitable talent for the job opportunity proposed by the Subscribing Client on the Talent Marketplace, on the basis of its analysis and processing of the publicly available information with respect to the Potential Candidate, WhiteCrow / Website will display the limited public profile(s) of the Potential Candidate to the Subscribing Client along with certain generic and descriptive information. If the Subscribing Client is interested in a particular Potential Candidate, the Subscribing Client will approach the Talent Advocate / Website with a request for more information on the Potential Candidate. Upon receiving such request from the Subscribing Client, the Talent Advocate / Website will address a communication to the Potential Candidate, informing the Potential Candidate that the Subscribing Client is interested in granting a job opportunity to the Potential Candidate and therefore the Potential Candidate is invited to join the Talent Platform in order to explore the job opportunity (“Invitation”). On receiving the Invitation, the Potential Candidate will be entitled to either accept the Invitation or reject the same. In the event the Potential Candidate accepts the Invitation by signing-up on the Talent Platform the Potential Candidate will transmute into an Individual Candidate. On transmuting into an Individual Candidate such Potential Candidate may, on the request of the Talent Advocate / Website, grant permission to display its complete profile to the Subscribing Client by activating the “View Profile” option as per Section 2.4 of the Terms. Upon the grant of such a permission the Subscribing Client will be able to view the complete profile of such Individual Candidate. On viewing such complete profile, if the Subscribing Client is interested in scheduling a job interview with such Individual Candidate, the Subscribing Client will approach the Talent Advocate / Website with a request for scheduling a job interview with such Individual Candidate.

    • For the Subscribing Client:

    Pre-Screening of Employees: The Talent Marketplace helps the Subscribing Client to find the perfect talent by pre-screening and validating them before approving them on the Portals. Further, the said marketplace also helps the Subscribing Client to connect with the ideal candidate within 72 (seventy two) hours of the Subscribing Client showing interest.

    Talent Insights: : The Talent Marketplace also helps the Subscribing Client to understand the talent landscape before shortlisting the ideal talents which makes the shortlisting quick and easy.

    Talent Pipeline: The Talent Marketplace provides a perfect bundle of features to help the Subscribing Client organize the sourcing efforts and shape the talent pipeline as per the Subscribing Client’s organization’s future goals. Further, the Talent Marketplace sources talent effectively from multiple platforms and also manages the talent sourcing.

    Applicant Tracking System: The Talent Marketplace has designed tools that track applicants for the Subscribing Client’s posting, fairly and consistently. This tool further allows the Subscribing Client to configure the hiring process for a smooth experience.

    • For the Individual Candidate:

    Bucketing of Individual Candidates: WhiteCrow / Website, defines the job roles for the Individual Candidate accurately. The Talent Platform helps the Individual Candidate find both industry agnostic and industry specific roles.

    Curated Experience: The Individual Candidate will have a curated experience in terms of the features and the insights of the Talent Platform and they can create their own profile and share details which they wish to share with the Subscribing Client / Customers. The Subscribing Client /Customers representing their companies will reach out to the Individual Candidate through the Talent Advocate / Website as per their job requirements and may put up interview and offer requests.

    Transparency: The interview requests to the Individual Candidate shall mention details with respect to the salary structure and job profiles, thus, making it easy for the Individual Candidate to accept or deny/ignore the requests raised. The Individual Candidate may also reach out to the Subscribing Client with a request through the Talent Advocate / Website. WhiteCrow / Website promises that, the Individual Candidate shall have complete privacy control over their profile.


    1. WhiteCrow / Website will take appropriate measures in terms of redundancy, monitoring and platform management so as to ensure optimal service availability in addition to the periodic maintenance.
    2. The Services will be deemed unavailable in the event when the authentication to the Services is not possible. Such unavailability shall be deemed to be due to (i) planned downtime; or (ii) unavailability caused by circumstances beyond WhiteCrow’s control [Section 12 (Miscellaneous) of the Terms and Conditions] as specifically stipulated under Section 7.1 of the Terms and Conditions. The interruption or non-availability of the Services shall not continue beyond 24 (twenty-four) hours in case of planned downtime. In case the interruption or non-availability of the Services caused due to planned downtime continues beyond the said period, You may notify WhiteCrow of such interruption in the Services in the manner as stipulated under Section 8.1 of the Terms and Conditions.
    3. WhiteCrow will strive to maintain the service availability at the rate of 96% (ninety-six percent), ensuring availability of Service throughout the Term / Subscription Term / Renewal Term / Trial Subscription Term, as the case may be.

    WhiteCrow through the Website provides ‘service support’ to You to answer questions and address issues within a reasonable time period not exceeding 4 (four) working days (“Response Time”).

    WhiteCrow / Website do not control the uptime of the third party sites/Sites. WhiteCrow / Website shall not be held responsible or liable for any damage caused to You pursuant to the same.


    During the subsistence of the Term / Subscription Term / Renewal Term / Trial Subscription Term, as the case may be, an escalation may be initiated after the Response Time as provided in Section 5, above, has lapsed. If You have worked through the processes as stipulated in Section 5, above, and are not satisfied with the level or timelines of service received, You can escalate accordingly.

    Contact Information:

    WhiteCrow through the Website/Portals strives to provide a bug-free, incident-free Services at all times during the Term / Subscription Term / Renewal Term / Trial Subscription Term, as the case may be. You shall notify/report WhiteCrow in the manner as stipulated in the Terms and Conditions, in the event of compromise / unauthorized use or suspicious activity in Your account.


    1. WhiteCrow / Website will protect Your data and ensure that the said data is secure and protect the same against any unauthorized use or access. You may also refer to the Data Privacy Policy available on the Website in this regard.
    2. WhiteCrow’s / Website’s security infrastructure includes:

      1. The Website’s / Portal’s computing infrastructure is provided by ‘Amazon Web Services’, a secure cloud services platform. Amazon’s physical infrastructure has been accredited under ISO 27001, SOC 1/SOC 2/SSAE 16/ISAE 3402, PCI Level 1, FISMA Moderate and Sarbanes-Oxley.
      2. WhiteCrow / Website has created a secure multi-tier network environment on top of Amazon’s infrastructure to make sure that, WhiteCrow / Website applications and data are protected and always accessible. Access to WhiteCrow’s /Website’s infrastructure is tightly controlled and monitored. In addition to strong security controls, WhiteCrow / Website also makes sure that, the data it collects remains available through full, daily backups, and is retained for 30 (thirty) days and tested weekly.
      3. The Website / Portals comply with its obligations as a data processor under the GDPR.
      4. WhiteCrow /Website uses secure coding practices and ensures that WhiteCrow / Website is, at minimum, protected against the OWASP Top 10. All ‘Greenhouse applications’ undergo frequent third-party security assessments to catch any missed security bugs. WhiteCrow / Website has a “bug bounty” program in which it pays hackers to responsibly report bugs that they find in WhiteCrow’s / Website’s applications.
      5. The communication between You and WhiteCrow’s/ Website’s servers is encrypted with 128-bit SSL/TLS encryption. All user passwords are securely hashed and the passwords are never stored in plain text. All data access is protected by a role-based access-control mechanism, which only lets users view data for which they have permission. It is impossible for Portals’ users to view data from organizations other than their own.
      6. Only authorized employees have access to WhiteCrow’s / Website’s production infrastructure and require strong authentication. WhiteCrow limits access to customer data to its employees who need it to provide support and troubleshooting on Your behalf. Accessing Your data is done solely on an ‘as-needed’ basis, and only when approved by You (e.g., as part of a support request) or to provide proactive support and maintenance.
  9. BACK-UPS:

    A back-up of Your data is made on a daily basis for test, acceptance and production environments and are stored on AWS in a Mumbai India datacenter. The Services are designed to have back-ups for a duration of 30 (thirty) days. WhiteCrow / Website shall provide backup of the data available on the Website/Portals to You, for the purpose as stipulated in the Terms and Conditions.


    WhiteCrow shall strive to provide best industry practices including technical assistance to You during the Term / Subscription Term / Trial Subscription Term / Renewal Term, as the case may be. Technical assistance/options shall be made available on the Website / Portals by WhiteCrow for the following:

    • ‘Forgot Password’: To re-set password in case You forget the password of the operative account.
    • ‘Sign-in Options’: alternative sign-in options for You to access the account.
    • ‘Renew Subscription’: easy click-on option to renew the subscription to the Services (applicable to the Subscribing Client).
    • Any other technical matters requiring assistance.